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Auto Detective Pen


The Auto Detective Pen is Kojak and Colombo rolled into one. [Who? – Ed] Not only will it protect you against wireless sound bugs by flashing brightly once it detects a suspicious signal, but the secondary UV light lets you sniff out dodgy banknotes as well. Goodness knows the kind of company you’re keeping if you need all this hardware around (and does your Mommy know?) but no doubt you’ll have a good explanation down at the station. One off samples for $17.71.

 # Auto detect the wireless signals, when there is unknown wireless signals, the detective pen will give the color light automatically # Press the key when you want to check the money fake or not , don’t touch the cap of a pen at first , the blue light flashes once while the it begins to work, and please don’t release the key until the detection is ended # The color light flash will be stronger and stronger when the detector is nearer to the suspicious transmit, then you can touch or hold the cap of a pen to reduce the sensitivity of the detector, until find the source of the signal


  • Looks like something out of mission impossible wow cool dude. Any spy could use one next time you parachute into China. Every Patriot should have one. Never should need one though if you don’t Act up. Cheers

  • You should always be carefull of the company you keep friend or foe it’s very hard to tell. I think It’s a tool for the paranoid

  • Oh yes, it’s definitely for the paranoid at heart. :-)

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