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Bloom FM Boot Wellies – I’m singing in the rain, just singing in the rain!

Bluetooth Wellies
We love listening to music every hour of every day, but when it rains, pulling out your phone a lot to fiddle with what song is going is not the best idea. You want to keep jamming to your tunes, but you don’t want to worry about damaging your lifeline with water. If you’re looking for a solution, why not strap some splash-proof speakers to the outsides of your shoes and carry on your merry way?

The Bloom FM Boot Wellies will help you skip and sing your way through a dreary day. It has 2 inner pockets, integrated Bluetooth speakers, and this purchase comes with a 6 month subscription to There are literally only ten pairs of these on the planet, and they only come in yellow. Currently the remaining sizes available are a 5 and 7, so you’re going to need tiny feet to wear these. I still wouldn’t chance keeping your phone in the waterproof pocket, but it’s a neat idea. The main issue is that you’ll be listening to music at 80dB, which means anyone near you will be listening in too.

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