Bookmarklets are really useful shortcuts to web services which you can use via your web browser (e.g. SiteFlow), but things can become a little untidy on your bookmark toolbar if you’ve got several installed for different purposes. That makes this Bookmarklet Combiner tool a real winner.
Visit the page, add your bookmarklets to the list, style and name them and press save. Voila, a single bookmarklet which incorporates a nice drop down menu style from which to choose your favourite service. It’s fast, clean and works very nicely. And it’s free.
1. a bookmarklet is an applet, a small computer application, stored as the URL of a bookmark in a web browser or as a hyperlink on a web page. Whether bookmarklet utilities are stored as bookmarks or hyperlinks, they are designed to add one-click functionality to a browser or web page.
2. a bookmarklet performs some function, one of a wide variety such as a search query or data extraction. Usually the applet is a JavaScript program.
If this works as advertised I will be eternally grateful.