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Carvana – the car vending machine

Most people buy a car in one of two ways. Either from someone who has one that they’re trying to get rid of or from a dealership. You can add a third option to that list, a vending machine. Carvana is the online dealership that lets you pick up your car like you would pick up a bag of chips, from a machine.

The vending machine really is a vending machine. The newest version is eight stories high and you access your car by dropping an oversize coin into the money slot. Then, just like a vending machine, it turns and cranks bringing your car out to your waiting arms, ready to drive wherever you need.

You purchase the car online through the website where a variety of options are available to choose from. You don’t have to go through the process of picking it up from the vending machine, you can also have it delivered to you at home for a slight additional fee. Of course, why would you miss out on a chance to get your car from a vending machine. Check out the video to see it in action.


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