Posts by Category: Awesome


Awesome December 23, 2009 posted by

22 Tracks – Awesome streaming music sampler site

I’m not usually one to choose music via genre but if I’m letting someone else choose the music, doing it via genre is a great way to narrow things down. Which is why I’ve really been enjoying 22 Tracks for the last couple of days. It’s a Dutch streaming music website, broken down into about 20 different genres (seasonally adjusted). The music is chosen by various Dutch DJs, music journalists, radio personalities and music people and each genre has 22…

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Awesome December 22, 2009 posted by

WeTransfer – Super simple big file transfers

There are a bunch of websites and services that help you transfer large files about the place. WeTransfer looks like it may be the simplest. How simple? Well here’s the user interface: Yep, just upload your files, enter the recipient’s email address, enter yours and type a semi-serious message. Press “Transfer”. Completely free, no registration, no signup, no anything. Maximum file size of 2Gb and the file stays on the server for 2 weeks and you can send it to…

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Awesome December 22, 2009 posted by

Hotchocspoons – Can’t talk, eating

I know, this isn’t a foodie blog, but it’s nearly Christmas and this is pretty darn cool. Hotchocspoons are hot chocolate mixes, wrapped around wooden stirring spoons. Just heat your milk and stir in the spoon to dissolve the chocolately goodness. They come in 46 different flavours, for kids and adults inlcuding one that is 85% cocoa. Prices vary but they’re around euro 50 for 20 spoons. [Via Incredible Things] Of course our core product is the Hotchocspoon. We couldn’t…

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Awesome December 22, 2009 posted by

Star Wars Weather – We’re doomed

Star Wars Weather grabs the worlds’ weather from Yahoo! and translates it into one of the familiar Star Wars locales; Bespin, Hoth, Tatooine, Yavin 4 and even Alderaan. If it says anything about Kamino I’d stay inside. Hot, dry with the occasional Sarlacc … Tags: star+wars+weather, weather+website, star+wars

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Awesome December 18, 2009 posted by

Kantaris – awesome new free media player jazzes up our favourite VLC program

Hard core media junkies who know and love the most awesome VLC media player will adore the arrival of this new, snazzier player based on the same codebase. Developed by Swedish student Christofer Persson, Kantaris offers all the fabulous ‘play anything’ ease of use of VLC, but wraps it up in a much more accessible, user friendly and dare we say modern, interface. It’s awesome! A super easy video library function, LastFM integration and in-built Apple movie trailer search engine….

Continue Reading »Kantaris – awesome new free media player jazzes up our favourite VLC program
Awesome December 17, 2009 posted by

World’s Most Realistic Vector Art – unbelievably stunning artwork pretending to be photos

This page featuring the World’s Most Realistic Vector Art has been around for a while but we’ve not seen it before, and judging by the acres of comments it’s still pretty darn impressive.   If you really want your mind blown, check out the artist Bert Monroy on there, who does his work without tracing. His image of a train station for example took 11 months to finish (2000 hours), contains over 15,000 individual Photoshop layers and 250,000 paths. Just unbelievable….

Continue Reading »World’s Most Realistic Vector Art – unbelievably stunning artwork pretending to be photos
Awesome December 11, 2009 posted by

Free Project Music – high quality original music for all kinds of uses

Creative Commons loving composer Kevin MacLeod has a shed load of free top quality music clips for private and commercial projects on offer, the only requirement being a small attribution link. The clips are in a variety of categories, ranging from film soundtracks to reggae, jazz, rock and world music, and they’re tagged with differing moods to make it easy to identify the right piece for your requirements. Lots of different lengths and very high production quality too. You can even…

Continue Reading »Free Project Music – high quality original music for all kinds of uses
Awesome December 5, 2009 posted by

Eneloop Kairo – Keeps hands warm

Winter means a constant battle to keep hands warm and Sanyo has just released two new Eneloop Kairo portable rechargeable hand warmers that will do the job. The single-sided Kairo KIR-SE1S comes in white or pink, while the double-sided Kairo KIR-SL2S is available in silver or pink. Use them in or outdoors. Smaller than a deck of cards, the Kairo fits easily in a purse, pocket or backpack. The 2 versions differ in that the single sided has an internal…

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Awesome December 1, 2009 posted by

TVTrigger – brilliant television listing and BitTorrent freeware is Spotify for TV shows

Well they finally did it. Someone made the ultimate television listings freeware and called it TVTrigger. So what makes it special? Not only does it feature all the main TV shows in a very easy to use categorised catalogue, but the information is exactly what you need to make an informed decision about whether to watch something or not. Ratings, description, episode listings, trailer and even the theme tune is immediately accessible from one show page. There are also direct…

Continue Reading »TVTrigger – brilliant television listing and BitTorrent freeware is Spotify for TV shows
Awesome December 1, 2009 posted by

BodySound – Home theater arm chairs

The trouble with home theater setups is that they tend to be optimised for the room and not the people in them. These BodySound recliners fix that by packing the chair’s innards full of surround-sound goodness. Each BodySound chair has a 7 speaker system, amplifiers and control systems all hidden in the comfy leather chair, letting you feel like Captain Picard running the Enterprise. There are pop up speakers in the arms and hidden speakers in the headrest, behind your…

Continue Reading »BodySound – Home theater arm chairs
Awesome December 1, 2009 posted by

BeMeBlackBox – the awesome car crash camera on your mobile phone

BeMeBlackBox is an extremely cool software program for Android mobile phones which turns your handset into a car crash camera. Just mount your phone onto the windscreen with the camera lens facing forward, fire up the program and it will automatically save the last x seconds of video (you set the time) if a) there’s a crash with a significant G force jolt or b) you press the big save button. It will then automatically upload the footage to YouTube….

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Awesome November 27, 2009 posted by

Ripple – could this open source P2P payment system one day cut banks out of the loop?

Ripple is an ingenious Peer to Peer payment system which relies on a network of trust and relationships – community if you will – whereby people grant each other a certain level of credit worthiness in order to facilitate transactions. It’s all very high level theory at the moment, but what makes it interesting is the fact that it goes beyond mere virtual currencies and barter to offer a real possibility of moving value from place to place irrespective of nationalities or…

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Awesome November 26, 2009 posted by

Might D Light LED130 – Super useful magnetic work light

The Might D Light LED130 sounds like the perfect tradesperson; bright, handy and magnetic. In fact, it’s a rechargeable LED work light that folds in half and stashes anywhere. It has 80 LEDs behind polycarbonate lenses so it’s nice and focused and visible from Mars. It also has a couple of neodymium magnets on the back so you can slap it on the fridge, stick it under the car bonnet hood or store on the side of your tool chest….

Continue Reading »Might D Light LED130 – Super useful magnetic work light
Awesome November 25, 2009 posted by

Battleship Yamato – Ultra collector’s edition

Whatever Star Blazers/Battleship Yamato was called in your neck of the woods, it was a pretty darn cool show. Bandai can help you relive the glory days with this huge 766mm long, silver-plated model of the Battleship Yamato. Replete with remote control turrets, glowing engines and miniature people and fighters, as well as huge amounts of detail. You’ll need �75,000 (~US$850) and live in Japan but that’s nothing, right? [via Akihabara News] Tags: tv+shows, battleship+yamato, star+blazers

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