Posts by Category: Fun & Games

So maybe it’s pointless, but at least it’s happy!

Fun & Games July 29, 2010 posted by

3rd Space Trigger Gaming Vest – feel it as you play it…

This 3rd Space Trigger Gaming Vest is a new system which adds force feedback to games consoles like the PS3, XBox and Wii. The system packs eight compressed air sensors into a vest which activate when triggered by video game action. Get shot and feel the impact, get blown up and feel even more. The new box uses the same tech as the original PC USB vest, but now has  the ability to work with your TV and games console. This is what they call…

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Free Software July 9, 2010 posted by

Digital Talking Parrot – free screensaver provides company for elder geeks perhaps

This Digital Talking Parrot virtual pet comes in the form of a free Windows screensaver and promises to either a) drive you bonkers or b) drive you bonkers in short order. You can teach the thing to make sounds, and it comes with a selection of different homey backgrounds to add to the effect. The best bit however is probably going to be when you locate the ‘speaker off’ button. Offers to install a toolbar, but you can avoid that…

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cool tech June 23, 2010 posted by

Cellbots – celebrating robots powered by mobile phones

The Cellbots blog celebrates the wonderful world of robots powered by mobile phones. Yep, grab your handheld precious, stick it into the requisite socket, add some wheels tracks or whatever and enjoy your life. There’s even a Google Group for your cute little sweet-geek chitter chatter.  We are a collection of hobbyists who want to free your cell phone from your pocket and let it connect and move with the real word. How? As a robot of course! Cellbots aren’t just…

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Fun & Games June 15, 2010 posted by

Pool Jet – pool sized sea scooter sounds otter-ly funtastic

The Pool Jet is a small version of the sea-going Sea Scooter and offers the same kind of lo-energy fun and frolics. Turn on the electric motor propulsion unit and scoot around the pool for up to 20 mins on a charge. OK, so you’ve got to hang around for 4.5 hours while it recharges again, but that’s the price you have to pay for jettisoning the flippers. Twin safety button grip system. £84.99.  All you have to do is hop in…

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Eco Friendly June 15, 2010 posted by

Generator Racing – some crank and win fun for all the family

Generator Racing is a super eco form of entertainment. You want to race little cars? Then generate your own electricity first and you can speed around the track all you want, little boy. Stop cranking, car stops. Simple. Comes with ‘realistic’ racing sounds built in –  to drown out the sound of your puffing and moaning we suspect. £39.95.  With Generator Racing each contender uses the manual power generator to create the power to move their race car round the…

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Fun & Games June 14, 2010 posted by

Floppy Disk Planter – 1.4MB of recycled green goodness

If by some chance you’ve still got some floppy disks lying around, and a little spare time try making a Floppy Disk Planter. It kills two birds with one stone – you’ll save having to dump the outdated disks in the landfill and you’ll end up with a cool conversation piece. It’s a great do-it-yourself gift idea too. With half a dozen floppy disks, a plastic bottle, some glue. duct tape, a pencil and some clothespins – and a little…

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Floppy Disk Planter – 1.4MB of recycled green goodness
Fun & Games June 14, 2010 posted by

Tea Sub – banish the boring tea bag with this Yellow Submarine dowser

This Tea Sub is officially called a ‘tea infuser’, but we’re happier calling it a funski tea dunker thingy. Forget about the tea bags, just fill this with your favourite choice of leaf (we’re partial to The Emperor’s 7 Treasures personally) boil up some water and immerse yellow capsule in mug. Result, much giggles in the office and a nice cuppa. Perfect. £8.99.  It’s small enough to go in your mug, and it has a nice chain-link cord to help…

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Bookmark This! June 14, 2010 posted by

3D Penalty Save – dig out the red and blue 3D glasses for this freebie game

Fresh from the triumph of England’s goal-keeping skills against the USA over the weekend, comes a chance to try out for the position yourself. 3D Penalty Save is a simple online Flash game which puts you in the goal mouth against a penalty kicker. Save the goals and win, let them in and suffer barbaric attacks in the tabloid newspapers for the rest of your life. You’ll need the 3D paper glasses to get the full surround-sound effect. But because…

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Fun & Games June 9, 2010 posted by

Robot Doggie Bank – chewing up your savings

This Robot Doggie Bank is ridiculous. No really, who ever heard of a money eating mongrel? Trouble is, the video is kinda cute. Tsk. $25.00.  Feed the hungry dog with coins! Throw a coin into its bowl and you will see it munching at it happily. In fact, it is so happy that it would tip the bowl to one side and slip the coin into the box, saving money for you! Tags: gadget, novelty, robot+doggie+bank

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Fun & Games June 4, 2010 posted by

LEGO Minifigure Ice Cube Tray – Cool and cute

This LEGO Minifigure Ice Cube tray looks like a bit of fun. It’s silicone so getting the pesky blighters out should be easy. If you’re really clever you could stick two halves together and make fat, double-sided minifigures. Or minifigure candles, or chocolates or whatever else you can pour into silicone moulds; ABS, cement, molten lead? Whaatever, you can pick one up from the LEGO shop for about US$7.99. Keep cool with LEGO minifigure ice cubes! / Makes 8 minifigure-shaped…

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LEGO Minifigure Ice Cube Tray – Cool and cute
Fun & Games June 2, 2010 posted by

RC Plane Camera – Awesome and lightweight plane camera

There are heaps of tiny cameras for remote control planes, but if you’re looking for an out-of-the box and low-cost version then you might like this RC Plane Camera from Chinavasion. It weighs a measly 20g (2/3 of an ounce), the camera is mounted on a swivel and it comes with a lightweight bracket so you should be able to stick it anywhere on the plane. Inside there’s 2GB of storage and you choose to take mp4 VGA video @…

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RC Plane Camera – Awesome and lightweight plane camera
Fun & Games May 31, 2010 posted by

iNotePad – the cheaper alternative to an Apple iPad

The new iNotePad is the perfect choice for those faced with device lust coupled with finance rust. It’s thin, lightweight, has a super responsive touchscreen and is totally fingerprint proof. Mostly. Just £8.99.  The iNotePad is a sixty page paper notepad with an acetate front sheet and hardboard back. The iNotePad features three styles of page: vertical lined, horizontal lined and blank. This means the iNotePad can be used in all orientations…and is widely compatible with all kinds of hardware, including:…

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Bookmark This! May 31, 2010 posted by

Immortal Cities: Nile Online – cool free online city builder game

Immortal Cities: Nile Online is a free browser based online city building game which comes with some lovely graphics and a dash of Ancient Egyptian style. It’s a persistent world, so you can spend as much or as little time as you want building your empire, which is perfect for those people who have a life they’d like to live away from a computer screen.  Immortal Cities: Nile Online is a free to play persistent browser-based empire and city building…

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Fun & Games May 20, 2010 posted by

Tabletop Football – diddy foosball goes portable

This diddy Tabletop Football is ideal for carrying around from venue to venue, challenging all-comers, just like a real tournament manager. We’re guessing that the crowds will be slightly smaller though. As is the price, at a measly £19.99.  It’s surprisingly easy to construct the set itself…and all the necessary tools and parts are included. All the players are individually detailed (presumably so you can be an effective manager and form a close personal bond with them), there are scoreboards…

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