Posts by Category: heh heh!

Heh heh!

Fun & Games September 17, 2012 posted by

Star Trek Bat’leth Letter Opener ensures your victory against envelopes

Opening mail with human hands can be a somewhat bothersome task. Not only do you have to fidget through trying to pry paper from paper that it’s glued to, but you also need to take care to not rip the contents as well. The best methodology to make the envelope reveal its contents is to use a letter opener. However, a crafty foe such as this shouldn’t be taken lightly, as you can walk away from this battle with a…

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Star Trek Bat’leth Letter Opener ensures your victory against envelopes
Awesome September 13, 2012 posted by

Balancing Siphon Coffee Maker turns your morning brew into a science experiment

Some people are very particular about how their coffee is made. While there are those who prefer to use a French press, some want to use a percolator, and others don’t care how they get it, so long as they get it. While some may not see the art to this tasty and varied brown beverage, others enjoy it to the point that they’re willing to splurge on items that will brew them the perfect cup.

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Balancing Siphon Coffee Maker turns your morning brew into a science experiment
Free Software September 10, 2012 posted by

Noisy Typer gives an old-fashioned feel to a new-fangled machine

There’s a certain sort of charm that comes with using a typewriter. It’s not really that it makes typing easier, as it’s actually quite a bit more difficult to get everything right on the first try. However, the tap-tap-tapping and the �ding� hitting the end of a line were quite satisfying to hear.

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Noisy Typer gives an old-fashioned feel to a new-fangled machine
heh heh! September 5, 2012 posted by

OXO Good Grips keep your trip to the fridge with ice trays drip-free

There are some of us in the world that don’t have an automatic ice maker in our freezer. While this isn’t a huge issue, it does mean we have to resort to ice trays if we want any in our drinks. There’s no real harm in this, but the journey from the kitchen sink to the freezer is a lot harder when you’re trying to an entire tray of water from spilling all over yourself and the floor.

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OXO Good Grips keep your trip to the fridge with ice trays drip-free
heh heh! August 2, 2012 posted by

Go-Go Chair lets you work and play in the same place!

If you’ve ever played a racing game, you know that it doesn’t really compare to the real thing. Getting a racing wheel, chair, and pedals will definitely help your experience be more immersive, but it is expensive, and takes up a lot of space. Not to mention that it can only have one function, and will otherwise sit in the corner and collect dust.

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Go-Go Chair lets you work and play in the same place!
heh heh! July 26, 2012 posted by

VariGrip Hand Exerciser will get you ripped

When you think of working out, there are some go-to exercises that immediately come to mind. Doing bench presses, riding a stationary bicycle, and using an elliptical machine are all excellent examples of what might be in a average routine. However, there are some muscles that you don’t think about trying to commit time to, even though you use them on a more than regular basis.

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VariGrip Hand Exerciser will get you ripped
heh heh! July 24, 2012 posted by

Wibit Sports Park could pay for itself

There are all sorts of water toys and slides that we’ve seen here, but none have the potential to give you a return. Most of the time, buying a toy means playing with it, forgetting about it for months, and then using it again sparingly until you decide to get rid of it. However, if you bought something that might be able to give some money back, I’d bet you would get your use out of the thing.

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Wibit Sports Park could pay for itself
heh heh! July 23, 2012 posted by

Minimalist Shelter makes tents a fashion statement

When going on a hiking trip, you know that after a long day of walking and climbing, there’s still a tent that will need setting up. If your feet are tired and aching, you are more than likely going to want to just lie down and sleep. However, laying down without any protection from creepy crawlies, weather, or temperature could have you waking up feeling worse than before you went to sleep.

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Minimalist Shelter makes tents a fashion statement