Fidget Spinners, one of the hottest fads of 2017. There were fidget spinners for everything. They’re taking it to the next level in India though. The Chilli Spinner Phone is a cell phone AND a fidget spinner. Because the world needs that sort of thing.
This tiny phone comes in a variety of colors and is about the size of a credit card. It is installed with the spinner in the middle so that when you’re bored you can spin this thing. It has a normal dial pad and takes a sim card.
For funsies, it also comes with a Hug Me cell phone charger station which is bigger than this very tiny phone. There is no camera and no GPS. You can use messaging, there is a browser for web searching. You can play music but there’s no headphone jack, just the speaker. This is a super basic phone but what do you expect from a fidget spinner? You can get your own for 1,018.04 Rupees.