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Chilli Spinner Phone – the phone for fidget spinner lovers

Fidget Spinners, one of the hottest fads of 2017. There were fidget spinners for everything. They’re taking it to the next level in India though. The Chilli Spinner Phone is a cell phone AND a fidget spinner. Because the world needs that sort of thing.

This tiny phone comes in a variety of colors and is about the size of a credit card. It is installed with the spinner in the middle so that when you’re bored you can spin this thing. It has a normal dial pad and takes a sim card.

For funsies, it also comes with a Hug Me cell phone charger station which is bigger than this very tiny phone. There is no camera and no GPS. You can use messaging, there is a browser for web searching. You can play music but there’s no headphone jack, just the speaker. This is a super basic phone but what do you expect from a fidget spinner? You can get your own for 1,018.04 Rupees.

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