We remember a time when night vision was the exclusive preserve of huge, and we mean HUGE, military style goggles and cameras. These things weighed a ton, were camel backside ugly and cost more than a small car to buy. Well times sure change. Now we’ve got night vision cameras which are so dainty even Mary Poppins would look good carrying one.
Take this Chobi Cam Pro 2 with Night Vision for instance. This is a full HD (1980×1080) camera that sports a bunch of infra-red lamps to give ultra-low light videos and stills from an amazingly tiny format…and by ultra low, we mean almost pitch black. The device also contains a microphone (where do they fit in all this stuff?) and can do recordings to the .wav format.
Storage is done via microSD cards, up to 32GB and there’s a USB port for charging and data transfer from camera to computer and vice versa. All in all this is a pretty impressive package, and perfect if you’ve ever fancied yourself as a bit of a candid camera buff. Just keep this in your palm and you’re set to go. Priced at $109.80.