There’s no question that chocolate is the foundation of our whole civilization. Before choc there was just darkness, we know this from excavations made in the remote depths of the Peruvian jungle. Then one day it arrived, and all was light and happiness.
The ChocaByte is a poem to the whole chocolate business, since it will now let anyone with the creativity and the desire produce their own very confectionary at the touch of a button. The device produces chocs of 2 inches by 2 inches by 1 inch, and people will be able to upload and download choc designs to experiment safely and securely in the quiet of their own home.
The printer is apparently easy to use. Just take a chocolate cartridge (priced at 4 for $10), heat it in hot water or a microwave, pop it into the printer, select your design and press the button. Within a few minutes out will come your chocolate. The best bit though (apart from the eating) is the fact that the printer is just $99 retail. The first run will be limited to 500 units, so get your order in today!