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Climate Change in Charts – check out these charts that outline the problem of our heating world

Climate change is something that most people are aware of but many just don’t know how bad it is. After all, we still have winter and like, weather so we’re doing alright, right? Well, it’s not catastrophic yet but it’s getting there. These handy charts illustrate how rough things are and give some suggestions in helping.

To sum things up, the world is getting hotter and those who live in urban areas will suffer for it. This should worry folx because most people live in urban areas. It’s where the work is for modern society.

The solution it gives is to eat less meat. Cutting out some meat in our diets will help lower the global need for it and counteract the destruction the current farming practices cause. Of course, that doesn’t mean that these practices shouldn’t be called into question and pushed against. Although we can all do things on the small scale, it’s important as ever to continue to call for massive changes in many of the industries in operation today. Check out the link to see the charts.

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