I know few people that didn’t spend a good bit of their childhood playing with LEGOs (yes, the plural is technically �LEGO bricks,� but I also don’t know anyone that uses that term). While I’d like to say that such days are behind me, I have at least a few LEGO creations sitting in my office, to remind me that I’m still just a kid at heart. If you want a similar way to remind you of your youth, you might check out these Concrete Building Blocks.
These blocks are hand cast to look just like a 2×4 LEGO brick. Due to the nature of the materials used, they won’t turn out as perfect blocks. I think this almost gives them a weathered look. A set of six can be yours for just $8.50.
Or, as most of the world would say, "… a good bit of their childhood playing with Lego".
(i.e. referring to the product name itself, as opposed to the individual bricks, hence no pluralisation required)
I find it interesting to hear what people in different areas call them. I live in the Midwest in the US, and I've never heard anyone call them anything but LEGOs (except in comments such as this). Might I ask where you're from?