Cutting salt intake is one of the most suggested food changes that are made to people who are trying to eat better. The problem is that salt makes your food taste good. Like, just so good. One lab has a solution that may help use less salt: Add a little cathodal current to it.
That’s not a seasoning in case you were confused. That’s an actual electrical current. The scientist over at Meiji University have discovered that running a weak cathodal current keeps the eater from tasting salt and adding a bit more voltage makes the food taste saltier.
I’m not sure what steps science took to arrive at this test but using a specialized fork they’re able to control how salty something tastes to test subjects. If this device ever hits the mass market, it can be a game changer for people who are trying to cut back on the salt. Of course you’ll want to watch out that you don’t overdo it. Too high and you’ll probably be in for a bit of a shock! Check out the video below.