Do you find yourself rushing from place to place? Out of bed, to work, home to relax, out with friends. Rush, rush, rush. But it’s ok, you have all the time in the world right? Or do you? With the Death Watch on, you can keep track of how much time you have left and maybe remind yourself to stop and smell the roses. Because time is always running out.
The Death Watch actually does what it says it’s going to do. The watch counts down as the seconds pass letting you know how much closer you are to the long sleep. Of course this whole thing is a little morbid until you focus on what it’s reminding you to do. Is spending another Saturday working overtime really more important than playing with your kids? Are you really going to have time later?
The watch comes with a booklet to help you figure out your ETD (estimated time of death) but even so, this product should not be taken seriously. It’s a fun gag to remind us all that time is short. Oh, and it tells normal time too. The Death Watch (ha! so punny!) is $81.95.