Quick! Name a franchise that uses swords made of laser light. Chances are there are a few science fiction stories out there that use these particular weapons but one series in particular (perhaps in a galaxy far, far away?) is usually the first that comes to mind. Now’s your chance to be a Jedi good guy with a laser sword or a Sith Lord bad guy with a laser sword.
Okay, let’s clear the air before we go any further. The Decimator Staff Custom Saber has absolutely nothing to do with Star Wars. We know this because it says so right on their website. Ignore the fact that this looks exactly like the double-bladed lightsaber used by Darth Maul, and consider it coincidence that the sound effects sound just like the effects in the Star Wars films. This custom saber has nothing to do with those films. wink-wink
If you’re a fan of Star Wars good guys and bad guys with laser swords, you’re going to want to get your hands on this bit of awesomeness. Not only does it have awesome effects that simulate activating and deactivating the blades, as well as deflecting laser blasts, there are also voice effects included.
Even better, the saber includes two 36-inch saber blades and two 32-inch staff blades that glow with laser light. Why blades for both staff and swords? Ohhh! I guess I forgot to mention the staff handle can be separated into two sword handles. Yes, we know. It’s awesome.
The $850 price tag might be pretty hefty for what some would consider a toy, but it’s one heckuva a toy.