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DeepSound lets you hide your private files inside innocent looking audio files [Freeware]


You can’t be too careful nowadays, as the baddies are out to get us. They’re sniffing our pipes, poking our profiles and shuffling through our online underwear, trying to get into our secrets and private stuff. It’s a war peeps, and the price of the tussle is eternal vigilance. Or something.

A new tool to aid in the fight against the enemy is DeepSound, a freeware program which lets you embed your super secret files inside standard audio files. It supports both .wav and .flac files, and is designed to be easy to use. Select the audio file you want to hide stuff in, and then add the files you want to hide and press the Encode button and that’s it.

When you need to extract the files again, just reverse the process using the freeware and you’re set. The program also supports heavyweight encryption if needed.


1 Comment

  • Can't say I've noticed anybody sniffing my pipe recently but can I be sure this prog won't be relaying back to its headquarters which files I have hidden and where?

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