It’s getting to be that time of the year where you want to go out to the beach again. This likely means that you have been fighting off that holiday weight that you gained over the cold months. However, if you don’t treat your body well while fighting the battle against your pudge, it will do more harm than good.
Using a pedometer is a great way to keep track of how many steps you take and many of them can track things like calories, tell you the time, or act as a personal alarm. The Dehydration Prevention Pedometer just wants to make sure you remember that you can work yourself too hard, and need to take a water break sometimes. You’ll have to enter your gender, height, and weight, but it will let you know when it’s time for a little H2O. On a large LCD screen, the readings from the rather accurate piezoelectric sensor will show you distance traveled, and steps taken. It does cost $75, but having an alarm that will sound when you may not even think you need to take a water break is worth it. Well, if you haven’t learned how to gauge when you need water that is.