If you need a calculator, you probably just use the one that came on your phone. I mean, it’s really handy, it’s with you all the time. But it’s not really all that aesthetically appealing, Especially when you’re crunching a lot of numbers, you want something that makes it sound like you’re really doing something. The Digit Calculator will make you really feel like you’re mathing it up, even if you’re just hitting buttons.
This is a calculator with a digital face. Not like one of those sweet graph ones that you need for higher level math, this is just your normal everyday one but with a bit a twist. It’s a simple calculator design with an adding machine flair. When you hit these buttons they click.
Clicky buttons make you feel like you’re working. This calculator has mechanical keys, like the kind you find on good keyboards. This gives you a very physical response to the work that you’re doing so that you’ll continue to do. Also it looks very cool and if you have to buy a calculator, you might as well get a nice one. These are set to ship in October but you can preorder one for $44.