Package delivery is usually done by humans, but the future has something else in mind and it’s all about humanoid robots and other forms. A company known as Agility Robotics is showing off “Digit,” it’s first bipedal robot with four degrees-of-arms-movement.
Digit can use those arms to lift boxes of up to 40-pounds, push doors, and hold its balance. What’s interesting here is the fact that Digit looks quite sleek, and the fact that it doesn’t look like a human is a huge plus.
We understand that the Terminator robot comes powered with sensors and a LiDAR system, which means, it should be able to navigate through a cluttered room and make it up stairs with relative ease.
Right now we’re not certain of how capable it is when compared to Atlas from Boston Dynamics. What we do know, however, is that Agility Robotics is aiming to announce pricing by the middle of 2019, with the plan to deliver the first round of robots in the first quarter of 2020.
“We developed Digit for the much larger audience of users who wish to explore broader applications that are enabled through legged mobility, rather than focusing only on the mobility itself,” according to founder and CEO, Dr. Damion Shelton.