The Diplomat’s 32” Globe. No no that’s globe, not glove. Tsk, ignorant peasants. It’s handcrafted. Illuminated even. With mahogany cradle and 20,000 place names. You want a glove, go to a glovery. You want a globe, gimme $5,500.00. Now.
Search the world over and you will not find a better example of the globemaking art. A handcrafted masterpiece, this extraordinary globe features lavish attention to both form and function. Distinctive details include touch-on illumination, rich ten-color cartography and a solid brass, hand-engraved meridian. The hand-carved, genuine mahogany cradle mounting rubbed to a lustrous walnut finish further emphasizes the Diplomat’s uncommon beauty.
What happens if a country’s borders or name changes? $5500 down the tubes? at least gives you the opportunity to update your globe.
Peter, that sounds a whole heap more sensible. And let’s not talk about the cost saving! Well, OK, we can if you like. :-)