Duck Hunter is an interesting experiment. Take a popular video game from a decade or two ago, create real live elements – i.e. an indoor flying duck and an infrared pistol – and put the two into a game package which involves shooting down the duck in mid-flight. Complete with sound effects and flapping wings. If it all gets a bit Arkansas redneck for ya, you can always discard the gun and just feed the duck batteries whenever it looks peaky. £29.99.
The duck flies randomly around the room (how randomly depends on whether you’ve set it up for a straight or circular flight pattern) for up to 40 seconds or until you’ve shot it 3 times. It doesn’t need mains power, so as long as you’ve got fresh batteries the Duck Hunter is good to go in as little as ten seconds- just connect it to the charging dock on the gun for a quick burst and you’re ready to go hunting. It’s all the fun of hunting in the comfort of your own home.