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Electruc MEGA Multitruck – clean green carrying machine


The Electruc MEGA is an electric multitruck. What meaneth? Well it can convert from pickup to van to drop-side to tipper to…you get the picture. Of course an operating range of 60 miles and top speed of 30 mph means that this is strictly a city baby, no long distance haulfest from here. Still, it’s an innovative approach to inner city business transport. £10,120.00 plus VAT.


 These versatile light utility vehicles are creating quite a stir on the streets of our major cities. Not only are they clean, green and cheap to run, they are also eye-catching, easy to handle and fun to drive. The reason for their success is that they make transporting light goods easy whilst limiting their impact on the environment. Florists, sandwich delivery chains, hospitals, parks agencies, local authorities, logistics and facility management companies are already using them

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