Five Cool Web Design Tools for your delectation. Enjoy!
- Open Source Web Design. Nice selection of Open Source web templates. We’ve mentioned this place before, but they’ve come on a bit since then. Need more contributions though, so chip in designer people.
- FavIcon from Pics. Great little free service to create favicons from your favourite images. Even animated ones. Nice.
- Rounded Cornr. You just know this is Web 2.0 from the name, doncha? Anyway it does what it says on the tin – lets you create nice trendy rounded corner boxes (with gradients too if you want). Who said web design was difficult? (joking, joking…)
- Buttonator. Create buttons for a fee. $10 a month is far too expensive, but at least the first button is free. Shame they got greedy.
- CSS Grid Builder. Quick, easy and free place to run up a quick CSS layout scheme, complete with a WYSIWYG view of the page as you create it. Purists will scream, the rest of us will love it.