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Fixya – free online gadget repair help


Fixya is an online consumer product repair community. Log on and the community experts will try and offer advice on how to fix those annoying problems with your favourite gadgets. Bearing in mind that nowadays it’s literally cheaper to throw away a digital camera than try and get it fixed, it would be really good if this site did well, doncha think? We’ve featured the same kind of site before, but really, the more then merrier. [Via Gizmag]

 The idea behind FixYa is to aggregate all support information that is scattered throughout the internet in a single user friendly location. In addition, FixYa is a huge knowledgebase that is constantly updated by a live community of users who share their experiences of technical problems and solutions. Through the site’s unique rating system, FixYa is allowing users to find the best solution for every problem and even offer a new solution. Our aim is that over time, FixYa will offer the best solutions for the most common problems of each and every product the site is covering.


  • Thanks for the post Red.

    I was just having a problem with my Canon Powershot and none of my friends could help me.
    I checked with Fixya and lo and behold it seems like people have encountered my e18 problem before and found an answer to it.

    I’m not sure how exactly Fixya made it work but it does seem that the Web2.0 is still full of surprises.

    Keep those posts coming Red :-)


  • My pleasure ma’am. :-)

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