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FlameStower Fire Charger – charge your phone while you roast marshmallows

FlameStower Fire Charger in use

Even if you leave the grid, chances are you would still like to be able to reach people or have a digital map to find your way back home. The woods are short on outlets, being off the grid and all. Never fear, you can use the almighty power of fire to charge your devices with the FlameStower Fire Charger.

This device is really compact so even if you’ve already got a bunch of stuff you’re planning to drag out into the wilderness, this won’t add that much to your kit, space or weight wise. All this device needs is a fire (which you were probably planning anyway) and some water. It doesn’t even need to be drinkable water.

FlameStower Fire Charger alone

Attach this to a heat source and then hook up your device. It will charge anything via USB. So your phone, speakers, camera, things of that nature. Don’t worry about lugging around a load of extra batteries or running back to the car. This little innovation will keep your devices alive and kicking, provided you can get a fire started. The FlameStower is $99.

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