We all know that robots are taking our jobs but creative jobs are safe, right? Well, no, they’re taking ALL the jobs. Including musician. Flow Machines is a project that is building AI systems to create music.
Ok, ok, I’m being dramatic. This AI will not be replacing your favorite musician anytime soon. This system creates music in different styles based on information fed to the program. It works with human artists, or at least their catalogues, to create new music. And it’s, well, it’s something.
Like most things made by computers, it’s a little weird. The Bach based music was more standard, the Beatles inspired jam was like something they wrote while deeply intoxicated. Either way, it’s a neat project to give a listen to. And if we teach the machines about art and music they might not kill us all when they rise up.
This one sounds a lot more like late Beach Boys than Beatles, jus’ sayin’.
Fair. :)