If you spend a lot of time on the internet, then you know that something like 75% of your online conversations happen in gif format. Wouldn’t it be great to make your own? The GIF Camera allows you to create your own GIFs on Android devices.
This app lets you film your friends, family, and pets doing things, hopefully funny things, and save them as a GIF that can then be uploaded to the internet to make you famous. Never waste another funny moment again. Instead share with the world. You can share them through most social media sites directly such as Twitter and Facebook.
You can also use your own photos to create GIFs. If you’ve taken a series of reaction shots, you can change these into GIFs, customized for the speed and effect that you want. If you’re not really the creative type, there’s also a gallery that you can look through to find unique and funny GIFs to perfectly sum up your feelings. The GIF Camera is a free app only for Android systems.