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Glo Nightlight with Glowing Balls

When you were little, the idea of having to sleep in the pitch black darkness of the night was the most terrifying thing that could ever happen. Plugging in a nightlight would only help a little bit, as it could only provide comfort in one area of the room, and it only made the shadows that much more dramatic and scary. It made you wish that you had the ability to light up the room with a flash of lightning or shoot balls of light from yours hands.

The Glo Nightlight with Glowing Balls gives you the power to control darkness and bend it to your will. At least, that’s what any little kid who has them in their room is going to think. This alien-looking stand has three glow balls that charge up when on the base, and have 30 minutes of a soft blue or green LED light to comfort your little one until they can drift off to sleep. They are not attached to the stand, so they can be thrown, rolled or placed strategically for optimal night-lighting. For $80, these amazing glowing nightlight balls can be yours to own.

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