We’ve seen a lot of takes on the cloud lamp and although they’re all pretty neat, they may not make your geeky heart sing. If you’re looking for something a little bit more nerd approved, check out the Goku Spirit Bomb Cloud Lamp.
We all watched Dragon Ball Z. We don’t have to discuss it, we all saw it. We all still reference it. It’s a part of our identity. So celebrate that by adding this LED light representation of the iconic move to your home. The light features our favorite Saiyan about to drop a ton of bad news on his opponent.
There are 50+ LEDs in this lamp which can be controlled with a remote. You can change the color or even set up your own light shows. It’s really quite neat! The lights are very dynamic to mimic the action of collecting energy. This very cool light is a one of kind and it can yours for $400.