diy posted by

Gumball rally.


The Gumball PC. The Mac mini? Pah!

 The total build time for this project was just under two weeks, at about 1-2 hours per evening. This includes down time waiting for paint to dry, hanging out at the local watering hole with friends, playing on the weekends and the five weeks (the entire month of November) when suddenly I no longer had “too much time on my hands” due to downsizing at that four-letter place, work.

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general posted by

Gumball rally.

The Route 66 Gumball Machine is a $2499.00, 6 foot tall, 3500 gumball holding toy for the heavily addicted nostalgic. As someone who once drove the Route 66 trail from New York to LA (or thereabouts as close as we could get), I think that I deserve one of these puppies gratis. Harumph!!!!

‘…this chrome-trimmed gumball machine is a full-scale replica of a 1950s-era gas pump. It has a lighted glass globe, gas hose, and nozzle…’

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