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Hand Activated iPhone Speaker – the motion sensing dock which sadly ain’t a flying car


Things must be getting pretty desperate if the flying car designers have given up and decided to move into the world of iPhone docks, that’s all we’ve got to say. We know it’s not easy developing something that travels at 100mph on road and in the air, which parks easily, but surely that’s no reason to give up on life guys?

Maybe it’s a moon-lighting thing? Anyway whatever the reason, this Hand Activated iPhone Dock is definitely interesting in its own right. Slot your precious handset into the dock at the top and the infrared sensors installed in the gadget will detect your hand movements and raise or lower the volume accordingly.


Apparently other sensors will also let you change tracks and/or pause or play at will. Such power, eh? The device pairs with the iPhone via Bluetooth and features twin 3.5 watt tweeters and a 12 watt sub-woofer as well as a remote just in case your hand signals fail to elicit the right response. The gadget also charges the phone which is useful and retails at $199.95.

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