Canned air is essential to keeping a tidy office space. It removes crumbs from your keyboard, and dust from your chassis. While it is extremely useful (and very fun to play with), it’s not exactly filled with breathing-quality air. Not to mention that you’ll get frostbite if it comes into contact with your skin for too long. There aren’t too many other options out there too choose from, but some of them do exist!
One such choice is the Hurricane 2 Canless Air System that can blow air at over 200 mph. This is a tiny air compressor that will give you the equivalent of about 20 cans of air on one charge. Anything it pumps out is 100% breathable, and the flow can be directed any angle you’d like. The only downside? It’s really, really loud. The video below shows how powerful it can be, but the one here gives you an idea of its decibel level. This will cost you around $100, which will be worth it in the long run, so long as you can tolerate the noise.
1) I cannot abide the idea of people spraying harmful gases in the area where I am working. This despite the clearly legible warnings on the can that they must only be used in a well-ventilated space.
2) Blowing all that dust and fluff out of a computer or keyboard or whatever is probably just as harmful. What do you think that dust is made up of?
3) Our vacuum cleaner came supplied with a long-bristle brush and that can take all the fluff and dust out of a keyboard and/or the ventilation holes of a computer *WITHOUT* making it all blow around in the air that I want to breathe.