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HyMini – new wind powered charger for your handheld gadgets


HyMini Charger. Now here’s unusual, a wind powered gadget charger (aka a ‘mini green hybrid power station’). The idea is you charge the unit up from the mains and then strap it to your body (or bike) while you go skiing, cycling or some other perambulatory activity, during which the ‘turbine’ will trickle charge your device. You can also attach a small solar panel to the thing to enhance the effect. Minimum speed required 9 mph, maximum 40 mph. Ports for charging phones, music players, cameras et al. $49.99.




 HYmini is a handheld, universal charger/adapter device that harnesses renewable wind power / solar power and conventional wall plug power to recharge almost all your 5V digital gadgets. HYmini is a hybrid mini green power station that fits in the palm of your hand.


  • You don’t “charge the unit up from the mainsand THEN strap it to your body…”, what would be the point in that?
    You charge the unit up from the mains OR “strap it to your body…”, surely !

  • Mike, I think you’ll find that the wind charger is a trickle charger rather than a full blown power source. So the idea is you fill up with normal power and then keep it topped up on the move with the wind charger. That’s how I read it anyway.

  • The rechargeable battery inside this thing will probably die before it’s paid for itself. They should have toned down the fancy design and made a 4xAA recharger that can turn around and charge other devices from the AAs.

    At least then you could easily buy new batteries when they stop working.

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