When times get tough, the tough get…well sleeping if they’ve got any sense. And if you’re truly clever, you try and make sure that your sleeping arrangements cost as little as possible. Nowadays living in your car is no longer just for bums, so maybe we can expect to see more and more people adopt, adapt and improve into a mobile lifestyle?
One way they could make it work is to make sure they’re as comfortable as possible at night, and this Inflatable Car Airbed seems to be an excellent way of converting a hostile back seat into something more cosy. Sharp pin jokes aside, the idea that you can make a flat, soft surface over the seat sounds really valuable, so we’re surprised that more products like this aren’t yet on the market.
The product starts out with a factory price of around $25 for 500 pieces (apply for sample prices), so once shipping, handling and other costs come into play, it should retail for no more than $90 or so, we suspect. Which makes this luxury bijou bedroom with a view quite an affordable proposition. Doesn’t it?
I'm 17 and I could use this I you know what I mean. :)
I found it : http://www.kdo-tendance.com/matelas-gonfable-voiture.html