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iPong Table Tennis Trainer – solo masterclass on tap


This iPong Table Tennis Trainer shoots balls at you at adjustable speeds and spin types. Set it up with heavy topspin at 70 balls per minute and turn yourself into a Chinese master overnight. Perhaps. Unfortunately it won’t return balls to you, which probably makes the Forest Gump style of pounding against the wall a better and cheaper alternative. $149.95.

 Similar to a tennis ball machine, this automatic table tennis trainer serves a steady stream of balls for solo practice to fine tune one’s game. A turn of a knob selects one of three spin settings: Underspin (where the bottom of the ball rotates away from the player, requiring a chopping stroke to return); Topspin (where the top of the ball rotates away from the player); and a challenging Heavy Topspin (high rpm rotation that must be returned with a controlled downward stroke)

1 Comment

  • Actually, given that you would need to describe the effect the machine puts on a ball from the perspective of the receiving player, your spin descriptions are exactly backwards. 'Chop' or backspin/underspin would have the ball coming toward the player with the top spinning away or rearward. The topspin shot would come toward the player with the top of the ball spinning forward. The heavy topspin (or 'loop') setting would send the ball toward the player with the top of the ball spinning forward extremely fast.

    That aside, this is a major cool product and will sell like hotcakes across the global table tennis community.

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