When you play a board game such as chess, you really have to think through every move. Each piece placed, even within the first few moves, will secure your victory or failure, which means you need to be paying attention. This is great for a mental workout, as well as being a lot of fun! Of course, with most things, it’s nice to have a change of pace every now and again, so why not add in some lasers to spice it up?
The lasers in Khet are not high-powered enough to be attached to the heads of sharks, but they will provide a fair amount of entertainment. This Egyptian-themed game has some similarities to chess, but it requires you to set up the board and bounce beams of light around until it hits your Pharaoh. This game is for two people, and can be fun for anyone 9 years old and up. Costing only $40, it’s a small price to pay to say you played with lasers. If you really end up loving this, but want to be able to play alone, there’s also a single player version that comes with cards that will give you different setups to work your way through.