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Kisai Night Vision Wood LED Watch – now you see it, now you don’t


Wood is good. Wood is clean, functional, living, smooth and much less boring than plastic. For some weird reason it also goes very well together with technology, maybe the contrast between the traditional and the modern?

This Kisai Night Vision Wood LED Watch takes that whole thing a bit further in quite a neat way. In normal wear, the watch features a completely blank wooden face, with no markings to even suggest it’s a wristwatch. However, shazam, press the button and up pops the time in glorious LED vision from behind the facia. Clever.


Of course, in true Kisai style, the time is virtually unreadable unless you have a degree in geek, but once you get the hang of it (the above illustration shows 2.05), you’ll be able to impress friends and family at the press of a button. You will however need to be holding down a decent job first to afford the $109 it will cost you.


  • I tried to buy one of these today, and my credit card was rejected. VISA refused to process the charge due to a “security block” on the vendor. Buyer beware.

    • Hi Saddened, we have been successfully doing business with Visa for over 10 years & we have an excellent rating with them. We ship customer orders every day that were bought using Visa. We also have superb customer service. You may wish to check with your bank if they would not process the transaction.

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