Headphones do a pretty good job of keeping out unwanted noise but sometimes you have to be able to hear. Your need to hear doesn’t stop sound from becoming overwhelming however. If you’ve ever wanted to turn the volume down on the world, the Knops will let you do it.
These are ear pieces that let you control the volume of the world around you. Like hearing aid that you don’t have to be hard of hearing to wear. Imagine if you could just, turn off a chatty cubicle mate or the neighbor’s dog that will just not stop barking.
These don’t exist yet, they were funded through Kickstarter, are currently taking preorders and are due to ship in November of this year. If they come to fruition, they will have various “steps” you can choose that filter out noise so you can hear what you really want to hear, including silence. You can preorder a set for €58.