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Know Your Stars – the lamp that teaches you what’s in the night sky

Know Your Stars

Lamps should do more than just give you light if at all possible. Providing light is the bare minimum of what’s required, they could be so much more. The Know Your Stars lamp is one that will not only give you illumination but also teach you your constellations.

The lamp is a cube, 30x30x30 cm. It’s made from polyester film with a waterproof print. From a distance, it looks like a nebula with a bright white center and magenta and turquoise swirls with little yellow stars throughout. Much pretty. Very space. Wow.

know your stars detail

Upon closer inspection, the flecks that look like stars are actually the  constellations. Most people can probably name the Big Dipper, Little Dipper, and Orion’s Belt (thanks MIB!) but beyond that, the night sky is a mystery. This lamp has the constellations labeled on its top on the sides are decorated with large representations of them so you know what to look for in the night sky. The cord comes out of the top. The Know Your Stars lamp is €65.

Know Your Stars turns

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