There are certain people who should never be allowed anywhere near a pen and paper. Yes we’re looking at you Mr and Mrs GP doctor people. And others. These folk seem to have a pathological problem with writing clearly (just check out the average prescription note next time), but there are also others who simply can’t write straight. Probably genetic. Now help is at hand.
The Lettermate is a simple stencil which can be used when addressing an envelope, or probably in many more instances, to ensure the writing is clean, clear and very legible. The little plastic doohickey just sits there forcing you to write within the spaces, and not stray. Of course if you have trouble with spacing this is not going to help, but hey it’s a start right?
The gadget costs just $14.95 and fits a wide range of envelopes from 5 inches by 4 inches up. Hey, you never know, it might just revolutionize your life if your letters actually reach their destination.