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Looxcie – a real life-cam for life


The super slick looking Looxcie (look-see, geddit?) is the first ‘life-cam’ type product that we could actually imagine people wearing. For one thing it looks gorgeous, sleek and alluring rather than tacky plastic and nerdy, and it also comes with a decent enough spec considering the target market (i.e. geek early adopter types).


The thing captures HVGA resolution video at 15 frames per second, which while not awesome is perfectly adequate for YouTube, and has 4 GB of on-board memory, enough to store a rolling chunk of 5 hours of video. The rechargeable battery will deliver 4+ hours of recording per charge and you get audio capture too.

The really clever bit is the fact that you can synch it with your Android smartphone via Bluetooth to use it as a conventional type audio headset, as well as use the phone to upload instant 30 second video clips to the Web on demand. You don’t need the phone, but it adds the instant clip upload functionality as well as editing and viewfinder functions. The whole shebang (minus mobile phone of course) is priced at $199.00.

 Looxcie doesn’t have a record button. Simply turn it on to video your life. Looxcie stores up to five hours of video and hundreds of instant clips. When the on-board storage is full, Looxcie purges the oldest video – the stuff you don’t want anyway…With one click, Looxcie lets you save instant clips of the last thirty seconds of your life.

1 Comment

  • ..and yet I can't find a single image of someone wearing one of these devices. Why is that? Do they look stoopid ?

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