Do you ever find yourself needing to track the passing of sixty seconds in a dramatic yet silent way? Sure you can just use your phone’s clock feature but although silent, it lacks the drama. The Magnetic Hourglass has all the drama and creates a cool effect as the seconds tick by.
This glass is filled with ferrous sand and the base, I would assume, hides a magnet. The end result is that it forms a little stalagmite as the timer runs out which is fairly interesting as a desk toy. As the minute passes, new (stalagmite) shapes are formed.
Be careful with this though! As cool as it is, it is made of glass and a few customers have reported that they broke theirs quite easily. So maybe place it gently as you turn it? I know slamming it is far more dramatic but you want it to last. The Magnetic Hourglass is $22.50.