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Manipulating plants’ circadian rhythm for longer growing seasons

cane fields

Everyone and everything has a built-in circadian rhythm. which governs the natural way we respond to light and dark patterns within a 24-hour cycle. According to one source, they can change sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, body temperature and other important bodily functions.

Genetically engineered rice

Circadian rhythms tell plants when its time to grow and time to end the growth cycle.They control photosynthesis, tell plants what season it is, and the best time to flower to attract insects. Now Yale researchers have discovered a genetic “gear” that could keep the growth rhythm going, extending growing seasons year round and and in area where that’s not currently possible.

Being able to grow food crops all year round sounds good. But scientists have forgotten several basic factors. Plants depend on pollination -whether it be from birds or bees, which in turn have their own circadian rhythms. Are scientists now going to re-engineer them too? Once again, it’s important to look at the bigger picture – and not to mess with Mother Nature!

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