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Meteorite Pen – check out this cool pen straight from outer space

There’s a contingent of Kickstarter that’s all about funding pens. When I say pens, I mean fancy writing pens, like the type you use to sign contracts with people in suits in movies. If you happen to like pens and space, here’s check out the Meteorite Pen, the fountain pen made from a space rock.

This pen is being funded through Kickstarter and has already met its funding goals because there are people out there who just really, really like pens. This one is made out a Campo del Cielo meteorite and titanium.

You can buy this in either fountain pen style or rollerball but honestly if you’re going to go this far for a normal pen, it’s not a stylus or anything, you should go for the full classic effect of the fountain pen. Each one is handcrafted and even comes with a certificate of authenticity so that everyone knows your pen is 100% real meteorite. That’s really the only reason to buy it to be honest. You can get your own for $399.

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