Finding new ways to interact with technology is always an exciting thing. Expand our horizons! Communicate better! Be more productive! Get petted by a finger on our phones! Wait. That last one is weird but not weird enough to not exist. Check out the MobiLimb, the finger attachment for your smartphone.
This is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a robotic finger that plugs into the micro-USB port of a phone and interacts with the user. Just what you always wanted. It’s not so bad when it’s just the mechanical parts but then you add the skin overlay and things get weird.
It can respond to notifications by tapping the user to alert them or even be used as a joystick controller for game play. It can also allow the phone to move like weird phone that Control found in the Directors desk during Authority. Because that’s the kind of weirdness we need in our lives. Anyway, this is just a project for right now, you can read more about it on the website.