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Mouse mania.


The Connectland 10 Button Smart Mouse. On the basis that you can never have too many buttons on yer mouse. Or your house. Or spouse. You louse.  A$48.40.

 Features * Plug & Play * 10 Direct Access Mouse Buttons * Ergonomic design to reduce RSI * Big 12mm scrolling wheel for ease of use * Luminous Blue scroll wheel…Buttons – 1. Left 2. Right 3. Scroll 4. WWW Back 5. WWW Forward 6. Vertical acc UP 7. Vertical acc DOWN 8. Application SW 9. Close 10. My Computer


  • I wish it were a trackball… I have a ten button Kensington trackball (which could use a few more buttons) but the shape and button configuration are all wrong for my hand.

    As soon as I get settled here in my new desert workshop I’m going to begin installing buttons on a pliable lump of material (clay, play doh…) that will conform to my hand, then I will have that shape rendered in a more durable substance to become my wireless, universal, programable clickeroo.

    Maybe the TV remote, mouse, phone, trackball.

    No I won’t patent it or market it, it’s just for me!!! It will be modular to incorporate new devices as they emerge.

  • Oooh I want one, I want one. I’ve got some Blu-Tack you can use. :-)

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