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MP3Gain cures the annoying LOUD and soft music tracks problem [Daily Freeware]


I’ve started to use my phone as a music player much more nowadays, especially when I bike down to the shops or whatever (yes I’m careful not to shut out traffic noise!). One of the thing I’ve noticed though, is how annoying it is when different tracks play at different volumes. I’m not just talking about quiet tracks, but also tracks which should be loud but which aren’t for some reason (probably because I ripped them poorly from my CD).

MP3Gain is a freeware program which can quickly and easily cure the problem. The program lets you select files or folders which contain your music, and then set a default ‘normal’ volume (i.e. normalize) to apply to all the tracks you select. Once you’ve selected the default, the software will analyse the music and let you know if there’s a danger of the track distorting if it increases the loudness to your specification, which is useful stuff to know before you commit.

Once you’re happy, just click the Track Gain button and the program will apply the changes automatically to all the tracks. Voila, a normalized library of tunes you can hum along to. The software is very fast, and doesn’t affect the quality of the MP3s at all because it doesn’t code and recode, so the result is loss-less optimisation. If you’re fed up with straining to hear the favourite tracks in your playlist, or maybe you want to make them all quieter so you can hear yourself panting as you exercise, then this could be the tool for you. Windows only.


  • Also worth mentioning is their Album Gain option. It treats all the tracks in a folder as an album and normalizes them in relation to each other. That way, if you're listening to an album, the quiet songs don't end up just as loud as the loud songs.

    • Oh very cool, thanks for the info. :)

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