There is graffiti everywhere. Some of it is great, some of it is not so great. If you’ve ever wanted to give it a try but were afraid of, well, criminal charges for vandalism, then give MTN Chalk a try. It’s a spray paint that washes off with water, just like chalk.
Street chalk is dusty and gets all over the place but MTN Chalk comes in a can that you can spray directly onto a variety of surfaces. Not just concrete, this paint can be used on wood, metal, and even plastic. This is a great product for older children looking for a new artistic expression. They can rage against the machine and then you can wash it all away with your garden hose afterwards.
Once applied to the surface, this paint dries quickly and unlike the chalk it’s named after, it doesn’t rub off making it a super clean marking solution. It comes in eight colors and is scratch resistant meaning it can stand up to your everyday activities. Except rain. Rain will wash it right off. MTN Chalk €6.95 a can.