You can make anything out of LEGOs. How about building a computer? With My First Computer: Byte Edition v3.0, you can build a replica of one of the first computers that most people of a certain age ever got their greedy little hands on.
The name of this build set sounds like something you would hand off to a toddler but don’t be mistaken, this is not for the baby set. This is a 322 piece project for only the most dedicated LEGO and computer enthusiasts out there. When you enter into this, you must understand that this isn’t just for looks. Every bit of this computer has been replicated. Including the inside.
That’s right, it’s not just the casing, you’ve got to put the insides together too. Once it’s all assembled, you can remove the backing and see the inner workings of the computer. Of course, you’ll have to upgrade some components if you want this to hook up to your WiFi. A cool project for those who are really into “realistic” models. All the pieces you need are included in the set, all you need is time and dedication. The My First Computer: Byte Edition v3.0 is $78.50.