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MyMeasureMate – instantly show the size of items you are selling online


If you’ve ever sold anything online, like on Craigslist, Etsy or eBay, you’ll know that the more information you can give prospective buyers, the better. Not just because it saves emails going back and forth, but also in case of dispute after the sale, if the buyer claims you didn’t describe the product properly. Now there’s a instant way to show the size of something which removes all uncertainty.

MyMeasureMate is a measuring mat which doubles up as a photography backdrop. The mat is marked off in specific measurements (either cm or inches), and all you need to do is put the item you are selling on the mat and take a photo. The result will show without a doubt just how big or small your item is. Clever, easy and effective.


There are three mats available, ranging from large (100cm x 180cm) for those products such as guitars etc, to small for jewelry and things like mobile phone accessories. It’s also pretty excellent for children’s clothes or anything for which size is a crucial detail. The mats start in price from £9.99 for the smallest version. Cool idea.

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